Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 59 - I am having a blast!

I love this challenge. I love the feedback, advice, encouragement and experiences everyone's sharing.  I love my new workout gear - clothes, HRM, heavier dumbbells... I love my new eating habits.  I love FINALLY having a good understanding of how I'm eating (from myfitnesspal) w/ the carbs/protein/fat balance.  Never paid attention to that before.  And I really love the changes I'm seeing in my body while I workout.  I see my waist is smaller.  I see my quads are more defined.  I see my biceps more defined.  Yes, it's taking awhile and I wish I could speed it up, but it's happening steadily and surely and I know I'm in control, and that feels best of all.

I've got the very beginning of a migraine tonight, which should develop into a bigger one by tomorrow, which means it's the time of month when I'm most bloated and weigh the most.  Considering I was very happy with my progress before, I'm even more psyched for a few more days to pass and to see an even more dramatic fast slim down.

I ate some incredibly delicious stuff today, including this thrown together concoction for lunch:
a strip of whole wheat naan topped w/ 1/4 C. shredded fresh mozzerella, freshly halved & roasted cherry tomatoes, chopped artichoke hearts, fresh basil, and (after this photo was taken) crumbled up dried/fried hot peppers in olive oil.

Then for dinner, this YUMMY salad from Trader Joe's.  Look at those ingredients!  It came with the carrot ginger dressing that they put on salads in sushi restaurants.  I LOVE THAT STUFF!!  However, it's very high calorie and fat, so I had to limit it to 1/3 of the serving they provided...which means I have leftovers for 2 more salads now. :)
(Almost done...if I'm gonna take a photo, it's now or never.)

Today's report:  I'm over my calories for the 1st time.  However, I'm extremely pleased that today I came closest to my recommended portions of carbs/protein/fat since I started tracking.
Exercise was Crunch Fitness - Step & Sweat w/ 8" step, and Firm 5 Day Abs.

Your Daily Summary

GoalFoodExercise= Net
12101600- 360  1240


  1. Ooh, that looks tasty.

    Thanks for your comments on my blog. I love fashion.

    In regards to my migraines. I'm on tablets that I have to take everyday for them. I don't just get them when I'm due on. I suffer quite badly from headaches and migraines. I've done some posts on them on my blog if you wanted to check them out.

    Great calorie intake for the day. Well done x

  2. Great job and sounds like you've got them NSV's coming out of everywhere!! Keep it up!

    And your food looks yummy! I love naan

  3. So great to read this! I love that you are looking at the big picture, not fast results, but being patient. I so need to remind myself that it doesn't matter how fast I lose the weight, it matters that I get there and keep healthy habits. If it takes twice as long, then be it!
    Mmmmm....that lunch concoction looks yummy....

  4. Your salad looks YUM! [We don't have a Trader Joe's where I live] I've never added edamame to salads before, I may have to try that! :D

  5. Your positive attitude is contagious :)

    Love the colors in that salad!
